Weight Loss

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Major Victory

So, after my disappointing weight in last week at Weight Watchers where I was up two pounds, this week, I rocked it!  I lost.....4.6 pounds!  I did not starve myself at all (with the exception of today - long story), but I did work out 6 days last week!  I can now see why all of those super models go to the gym 24/7 - it works!  Just gotta keep on keepin' on. 

So, I didn't eat for most of today.  Why?  Well, I had my last event today with my current job and I was so nervous, I could not put anything in my body.  I woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep and didn't eat or drink anything until after 2pm.  I felt terrible.  So, when I got home I ate like 3 bites of tuna salad and had some lemonade and then took a nap.  After weight watchers, I celebrated with pizza and breadsticks - oh well.  C'est la vie.  I care that I ate pizza but I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

I love weight watchers but when I inputed my new weight it was all like "Good Job, but you lost way too much weight."  Don't you judge me weight watchers - I ate my daily point totals everyday!  I'm not starving myself, I just literally worked my ass off at the gym. 

Today is going to be my day off from the gym as I had not eaten very much and I felt terrible.  Getting back on the horse tomorrow! 


This is the dream that I'm working towards!


  1. New follower here. Congrats on the big loss! I think W.W. just says that "Good Job, but you lost way too much weight" stuff so that the other W.W. goers who may be eavesdropping...er...listening...will still feel happy about their losses (especially if they didn't lose a whopping 4.6 lbs). It's a psych game. Haha! GREAT job!

    Happy to join you on your journey. :)

  2. I think you are right! I appreciate the comment! Looking forward to talking with you alot more! :)
