Weight Loss

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So I thought have a lower point total would be a problem.....

but apparently its not.  So, I lost 4.6 pounds last week and as a result I had my WW points total bumped down from 34 points to 33 points, and I really thought that it would be a problem.  That has most definitely not been the case so far this week (it is still early).

So, I live in a state that is humid to say the least (very humid for being so inland) - when it gets hot, food sounds awful to me.  I cannot explain why, but that's the way it is.  Now, this is a bad thing and not something I recommend for anyone EVER but neither my husband nor I have been able to eat dinner the last two nights.  Well that is not completely true.  We ate "dinner" tonight if you count having two small scallops a piece as dinner that we made ourselves eat even though we didn't want to. 

I went to the gym today.  Surprise! lol.  I swam laps for 45 minutes and played 1 hour and 15 minutes worth of "tennis" (you can hardly call it that as we are so terrible!).  So, I feel pretty accomplished.  I also piddled around in my little container garden out in my front yard.

Tomorrow is going to be rough - I am plotting what I'm going to eat for lunch as I am going out with some ex-coworkers to a Mexican restaurant.  I want to try to stay on plan as much as possible.  Tomorrow is a running day and I'm supposed to do arms (weight lifting) AND we have two softball games tomorrow night!  I should be a tired puppy! 

I wish I could say what is different this time in terms of my diet and exercise.  I usually do a pretty good job and then completely fall off of the boat, but this has been a good solid two months almost that I've been exercising.  Its been 7 weeks since I've drank an ounce of caffeine and I'm pretty consistently losing weight.  I feel differently this time around, but I just can't put my finger on it.  I imagine it partly has to do with our impending trip to NYC coming up in late June, probably has to do with my want to have kids and the knowledge that having kids may not be possible unless I lose some weight, and also I'd like to fit in cute clothes again.  lol.  So shallow.Have a great night all!

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