Weight Loss

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Things that I can't live without while dieting....

1. Eggs.  Love'em.  They are so versatile.  When I am craving savory food, I boil to eggs, cut them in half, add mustard and just a tad of light mayo, and voila...Deviled Eggs.  Soooo good.  I also eat egg white sandwiches pretty often.  Cheap and easy!

2. Body Fortress Protein Shake.  My trainer turned me on to this.  Now there is no excuse for me to be too busy to eat something.  Its not delicious, I'm not going to lie, but it isn't disgusting either!  I recommend the Strawberry flavored.  I typically mix one scoop with 8oz of water, stir, and chug it down.  It gets me through the rough patches.

3. Frozen Yogurt.  I live in a larger town in a rural state.  Out of no where, frozen yogurt places have been appearing!  Thank goodness!  A quarter cup (their cups are huge) of non-fat vanilla frozen yogurt with some sprinkles and fresh strawberries do the trick!

4. Fruit and Veggies, generally.  My favorite snacks!  If I'm feigning for some sweetness, I'll eat some strawberries or pineapple with either greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or the non-fat redi-whip.  Veggies are delicious - I could eat fresh cauliflower and broccoli everyday.  I just learned a great new recipe from WW with celery.  Buffalo Celery Sticks.  Take low-fat cream cheese, mix in some hot sauce, chives, and garlic, and stuff that mixture in the celery ribs.  So good!  2 pieces of celery are 1 WW point! :)

5.  Exercise - I have to push myself.  I get de-railed very easily.  If I skip a day, or don't meet my goal for the day, I will quit all together.  Not anymore.  I went to the gym 6 days last week.  I'm on day 3 this week - looking good!  I love the way I feel when I exercise - it is so hard to just make myself go especially feeling as bad about myself as I do.

6.  My husband - its great to have someone who believes in you endlessly and wants to help you reach your goals.  He is phenomenal.  :)

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